Thursday, March 10, 2022



Things have been a bit quiet. With the way things tend to go, lately, a calm, uneventful day is a blessing in and of itself. Gotta keep an eye out for those silver linings. 

My team and I finished an early version of an AR tech project, as well worked with our collaborator to rough up some ideas for new concepts in art, animation and social engagement. I'm particularly proud of my success with the aforementioned AR tech; its something I've never quite tried, but lo and behold, I seem to have struck out on my first attempt. Amen to that.

Its all a bunch of very fun stuff - hard to stay so horribly vague, but, all in due time. Jumping the gun's never turned out well for anybody, besides Neo. 

It's been rainy, and grey; just the way I like it. Makes me feel revitalized, a little less alien. Something about the groggy warmth, the slick, monotone emptiness - you just can't go wrong. Less is more! Pair that with yet another viewing of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, one of my favorite go-to comfort flicks, and you've got one fine sleep schedule killer. 

I love watching the reflections of hazed orange and off-white as the rain trickles through their beams of broken light; the odd ambiance of a streetlamp, or stoplight, a beacon in the quiet murmur. It reminds you you're not alone. A reminder I needed, tonight.

Maybe someday, I'll always be out, among the stars, black, and dreamless water. It's where I feel safe. 

Sometimes, these passing days, weeks - they're sort of comforting. I have a feeling I won't particularly remember them, beyond a lingering mood; tenseness, loneliness. The usual back-order. But, it always leads to rainbows; I look forward to spring, summer, and all those awful, sweaty months of Floridian torture. 

Who am I kidding. Here's to hurricane season. 

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